API Management

In this age of growing API economy, the real challenge lies in developing an enterprise service that is robust and scalable. It is important, thus, to design an API Management solution that is secure, flexible, and maintains access across both the legacy and the modernized systems.

Infotree Technologies help you simplify your API management tasks by effectively dealing with all the challenges that arise from the areas of security, traffic management, architecture, design, analytics, and integration. Our end-to-end solution guides you through the entire process, from the initial stages of strategy and design to eventual deployment and optimization.

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Custom API Development Services & Integration Solutions

Infotree’s team of dedicated engineers and developers excel at creating APIs that are robust, well-document, and customer-friendly. Our scalable and secure API development solutions help you envision new product strategies and launch new business models with ease.

Custom API Integration Solutions

Infotree’s custom API integration solutions develop robust API architectures for your business by singularly handling the processes of development, documentation, integration, deployment, publishing, as well as maintenance. Additionally, we also develop security protocols such as scalable caching proxies, access control dashboards, and custom key encryptions.

Implementing API Development Solutions

Not only do we configure APIs for mobiles and desktops but also for browser apps, consoles, databases, and search engines. In the course of implementing internal and external APIs, we also assist you in pre-emptively solving problems relating to data sharing, content, business logic, and communications.

Custom API Integration

Besides stressing networking practices during implementing open-source, original, and third-party API integration, we also provide web service functionality to our clients. Our API integration service makes use of popular platforms such as Funnel, Jitterbit, MuleSoft’s Anypoint, and Dell Boomi.

API Development Platforms

Along with creating APIs for mobile, cloud, and desktop apps, we also excel at creating specialized APIs for legacy and modernized enterprise applications alike. Our APIs help you gain access to application data, web services, business logic, and functionality.

API As A Service (APIaaS)

In addition to developing APIaaS and web APIs we also offer JSON, XHTML, HTTP/HTTPS, Java, EDI, XML, SOAP, AJAX, and REST API development services. For executing API-based micro-services with custom business logic, we make use of HTTP/SOAP interfaces and Docker containers.

API Testing Automation

Engineers at Infotree Technologies design and configure API integration testing platforms with the view of automating the processes of validation, security, runtime, UI, penetration, and fuzz testing. Further, to conduct exploratory API tests, we utilize the API testing platforms of Rest-Assured, Postman, and HTTP Master.

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API Multiple Security Levels


Open Authentication (OAuth)

By using a token-based authorization protocol such as OAuth, we enable third-party applications and websites to access user data without them needing to share any personal information. This serves the purpose of enhancing security for both the API provider as well as the application users and developers.


Transport Layer Security (TLS)

We employ superior TLS profiles like ciphers to accord our clients a fine-grained control during the process of securing the transmission of data through websites. Additionally, it also prevents hackers from tampering with the submitted information.


Enterprise User Registry Authentication

Our API Management Solution supports multiple user registry types for securing APIs and authenticating users such as authentication URL, LDAP directory, local user registry, and SCIM.


Benefits of Our API Management Service

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Why Infotree Technologies?

Along with fostering remote global support, Infotree Technologies helps IT teams to scale up by collaborating with the best engineers, architects, programmers, gaming developers, and consultants in the industry.

Our team of dedicated experts provides your business with scalable and customizable support and service. Irrespective of whether you are a start-up, or a large-scale enterprise, with Infotree Technologies at your side you can develop applications for all weathers.

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